Category Archives: Camino de Santiago

Starting again in April 2012

Here are the first photos from the second attempt to cross France. St-Chely d’Aubrac is where I stopped in 2011 and started again in 2012.


bridge at St-Chely
The pilgrim bridge at St-Chely d’Aubrac
The chateau at Estaing on a wet day
The chateau at Estaing on a wet day
An obstacle on the trail after three weeks of rain
An obstacle on the trail after three weeks of rain

I’m back!

Here is another photo from A Journey of Days Continues: Mud, Mountains and Mindfulness on the Camino de Saint-Jacques. And yes, I do know that it is the Chemin de Saint-Jacques, but I am writing for a (mostly) North American audience and they recognize ‘camino’.

This photo is taken in Aumont-Aubrac at La Ferme du Barry, where the owner/chef Vincent stretches a potato/cheese mix into his signature dish … and wows the pilgrims at the table.

Vincent with aligot
Vincent showing off his ‘aligot’

My new book is almost ready!

Le Puy en Velay
The chapel on the puy in Le Puy en Velay

My next book, A Journey of Days Continues, will be published by the end of August, less than a month. I am very excited! Starting today, I will post a few of the photos from the book every day. Here are the first three.


Trail marking
Trail marking – Go this way
Trail marking
Don’t go this way!

Update on “The Way” in Ottawa

A helpful reader told me that the Coliseum showings of “The Way”, on 3 and 11 November, are by invitation only. The good news is that, starting on 11 November, The Way will be showing at the Bytown Theatre in Ottawa until 24 November. Lots of opportunity to see it for people in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. I will be seeing it with Carroll on 11 November and I will let you know what I think of it. In the interests of full disclosure, I should tell you that I am predisposed to like it, since I walked the Camino in 2007 and wrote a book, A Journey of Days, about my walk.

Cheers, Guy