Health status update

I went to visit my family doctor on Friday. He was quite concerned about the array of symptoms that I told him had occurred on the Chemin de St. Jacques. He has ordered a bunch of blood work, a chest Xray, a resting ECG and an ECG under stress. He said that it is possible that all the symptoms were a result of excessive effort at altitude, but he wants to rule out anything else. I have not a recurrence of the symptoms since leaving France. I will keep you posted.

3 thoughts on “Health status update

  1. Altitude can give you a hard kick. I’ve been there. Hope thats all it was, and the motor keeps running strong for another 20+ years.
    Come on down to New England, maybe hike some of the AT, and climb a couple mountains with me when your up for it. It ain’t the Rockies (or Pyrennes) but we have some really nice stuff here. Good Luck..

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